Completed Please look at sensei; Sense of values of wine; Sensei wo Mite Kudasai; Wain no Kachikan; Wine no Kachikan; Пожалуйста, посмотрите на учителя; 先生を見てください

Read Sense of Values of Wine Manga:
The story mainly focuses on the Love = Hate premise, where pretty much every lead character will get unknowingly sweep away by someone that they have enmity for or vice versa, the most prominent character in the story is a super irresponsible and unfriendly teacher named Wakase, who is extremely cold to everyone and has big problems getting along with both teachers and student alike... Yet that unfri more.. endly behavior coupled with her good looks has (strangely) made her one of the most popular females within the school.
Wakase sensei also provides the name sake for this story, as her attitude changes dramatically when she is under the effect of strong wine.